Celebrating “Firsts”

I saw a video online that meant to remind mothers to enjoy the “firsts” while they can, because children grow up so quickly. I understand that many parents feel this way. There will never be another first tooth, or first word, or first step. We get nostalgic over the first “firsts.”

I think it’s important to note that firsts don’t stop happening just because children outgrow the baby stage. Our children grow up, but they keep experiencing new things as they grow into new stages, and new roles. There will always be new firsts, from the first time trying Raspberry Ripple ice cream, to the first driving lesson.

Even into adulthood, we will always have firsts. Last year, I got my first poem published, which led to my first time being included in a poetry reading. This year, I am getting paid for my writing for the first time, as a nonfiction story I wrote is set to come out in the spring issue of a magazine. My parents and my grandparents were excited to celebrate these very important “firsts” with me. It doesn’t matter that I’m in my thirties. Firsts are still firsts.

Baby firsts are exciting, as we check off the steps they take while growing up. Sometimes we forget, though, that growing up is a never-ending process. Every day is a chance to experience a new first. We could choose to try a new restaurant for the first time, or try a new hobby. We could make a new friend, or try a new church activity, or find a new volunteer opportunity. We could read a new book, or try a new recipe. There are big and small firsts always available.

Mother’s Day is coming up. There are traditional ways to celebrate Mother’s Day. Some people give their moms flowers, or baked goods. Some families take mom out to brunch, or make her breakfast in bed. Everyone has a tradition. Here’s a thought for this coming Mother’s Day, if anyone needs a new idea. Call your mom, (or visit, or message) and tell her about a new first you’ve recently accomplished, or that you’re planning to accomplish in the near future. Moms get excited over firsts. Or, make plans with her to try something that you haven’t done, and you can both experience a new first together.

Parents will always treasure the baby firsts, and miss them when they’re gone. But firsts will continue as long as we live, and it’s great to keep getting excited over them. Keep celebrating new stages and new experiences. And let your parents know about your firsts. They may not add it to the baby book, but they’ll be happy to hear about it. Watching your child explore the world is a great feeling.

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